Monday, 19 October 2009


For my brief I have to do a preliminary exercise. This involves me working with a group of four people. The task involves us filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character and then these two characters have to exchange a couple of lines of dialogue. We have to make sure that we use different shots, use the 180-degree rule in the right way and our task should also demonstrate match on action.

For the main task I have been asked to do a opening of a new fiction film with the opening titles. It has to last a maximum of four minutes and a minimum of two minutes. I have to work with a group of four members and we have to come up with a original script and storyboard. The video and audio material must be originally produced by me and my group members, with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source.

The members of my group are; Reyhan, Oraldo, Dahir and myself. Our initial idea is to do a Drama/Crime film which is the genre and our audience would be 15+.

The initial story about a teenage boy named Dahir is a drug dealer and Oraldo is the buyer. Oraldo buys drugs from Dahir and eventually he is unable to pay Dahir back. Reyhan is Oraldo's girlfriend and as a result of him not paying Dahir his girlfriend gets kidnapped.


My name is Yusra Osman and I attend Haringey Sixth Form. I am currently studying As Media Studies, As English Literature and As Sociology. My favorite subject is English and I would like to become a English teacher at a primary school. After I finish my A levels I would like to take up teaching in Brunel University. I also really enjoy Media Studies as it is a subject which is more creative and gets you to be imaginative, which I really enjoy doing as it is very different from my other two subjects. I enjoy reading books, surfing on the Internet, playing football and going out with my friends.