Friday, 20 November 2009

Preliminary Task

In our preliminary excercise we had to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task had to demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse and the 180-degree rule.

In my my preliminary task I worked with the following people my ; Setari, Neshee and Reyhan. We filmed a character opening a door and crossing the room. The room was the sixth form toilet and the character was Setari. We created a drama about a girl named Setari looking at herself into in the toilet mirror as she was stressed out about her unexpected pregnancy. She then walks out of the toilet door and walks to the staircase where she meets up with her friend Nese. They exchange a few lines of dialogue, where Setari tells Nese about her unexpected pregnancy. We used a wide variety of shots such as; close up, long shots, reaction shot. We filmed the two characters having a dialogue and we applied the 180-degree rule filming over their shoulders, depending on which character is speaking.

I learned how to apply the 180-degree rule when two characters are having a dialogue. I also know what type of different shots should be used in different scene. For example we used a close shot to show the emotions of the character, this also draws the audience in and gets them to emphasise with the character. We also used a high angle shot to show that she is inferior as the character was not in control of the situation.

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