Monday, 23 November 2009


A 'Recce' is the pre-filming at a location which might possibly be a location used in the film. The main purposes of a 'Recce' is that used to save money and to see if it fits the directors vision whether it is suitable for shooting, including access to necessary facilities and assessment of any potential lighting or sound issues. We had to locate, scout and figure out when, where and how we were going to film our scenes for the main task.

In our 'recce' we filmed one of the scenes at a staircase,outside Haringey Sixth Form Centre. We later on realised that this was not a good idea as it would not be good for the mise-en-scene for our film. The two boys are meeting up to talk 'business', usually this would not be done at a college as they are dealing drugs. We later on decided to film it somewhere out on the streets (maybe in a alley way). As the two boys are up to 'dodgy' business and this would be a better place to do this.

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