Before our filming we had to produce a script, storyboard and also a synopsis.
A script is ultimately an aspiration towards making a film. A page of script roughly equals to a minute of screen time. When writing the script we used New Courier size 12, this is a fixed-width font which is supposed to make it easier to read. There are different key terms in screen writing;scene (these are the different scenes within the screenplay this can also be defined as a unit of dramatic action), slug line (information about the location and whether it is day or night),scene directions (descriptions of the characters actions and events), character cue (name of the character who speaks), actor direction (used to describe the way or who they speak to) and dialogue (what the character says).
Before writing our script we had to have some sort of idea of what our story what about so therefore we wrote a one page synopsis. The one page synopsis deals with who, what and how, but also establishes the other major characters and their lines of conflict. The key element of any synopsis is a clear indication of the story's structure that is how the story begins, develops and ends.
Before writing our script we had to have some sort of idea of what our story what about so therefore we wrote a one page synopsis. The one page synopsis deals with who, what and how, but also establishes the other major characters and their lines of conflict. The key element of any synopsis is a clear indication of the story's structure that is how the story begins, develops and ends.
My initial script:
We also had to draw a storyboard which would give us ideas of where to film certain scenes, position of characters and what camera shot to use when filming. storyboards are graphic organisers such as series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence.
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