Thursday, 25 February 2010

Audience types

Our audience is anyone over the age of 15 as it the movie includes violence, crime and drugs. Children aged under this age may not understand it the same way adults or older children understand it and it can also be confusing and too violent for their age.

Mainstream film: Defined as commercial films that have a wide release and play in first run theatres. Being sold at popular stores or general stored may also be an indicator.
Cult film: Acquires a highly devoted but specific group of audience, often fail to achieve fame outside of the small fan base.
Subversive: Intending or serving to subvert
Alternative: Does not fit into what is considered a standard film.

Our film is a mainstream film as it is a quite typical drama/crime story about drug dealing, life on the streets and the importance of money. It is also very commercial and it is the type of movie that gets sold in a store such as blockbusters, which sells a lot of mainstream films.

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