Thursday, 25 February 2010

Personal role

My personal role within the group was to film the scenes. Within our group we would discuss where we could film our scenes, how our characters should be dressed, in what kind of position the characters should standing (body language) and also what shots we should use for the specific scene we are filming. My role mainly was to film and I have done most of the editing, but when editing the other two members the group would be sitting beside me and we would decide on which scenes to keep, which ones to cut out when to fade, how the writing should look/the colour of the writing.

There have been a couple of disagreements withing the group things such as; choice of dialogue, locations and dress code but at the end we would compromise and come up with something which we all agreed on. I have learned a lot about working with a group, as it makes things easy because you divide the workload, but also you have to all equally listen to each other. For example I thought we should film one of the scenes inside the Fish&chips shop but the other two disagreed and said we should film them coming out of the shop, this established where they came from and showed they were going somewhere. At first we wanted to film most of our scenes during the course of the evening as this may built up more tension for the audience but we later on decided that it was better to just film during our lesson times otherwise we would have less time to film and everything is more visible during the day.

Film titles should include: distribution company (e.g. Warner Brothers, this gets the film out there and this cmpany funds the film), production company (produce the film), a film by (could also say directed by, their original idea), main star, film title (appears before the film starts), editor, executive producer, producer, writer. The colour of our titles are green and we made it bold we kept it simple. We decided to go for the more simple font as our movie hasn't got too many complicating issues. The reason why we decided on the colour green for our titles is because it is the colour of money and our film is called "Money Matters" showing the audience that the film is money orientated as everything relates back to money. We did not use alot of music in our film as there is alot of dialogue and we also did a voice over, which is one of the two characters telling his side of the story, this makes the audience emphasise with him eventhough he is the "bad guy" as he kills his best friend. The only piece of music we used was during the non dialogue scenes which was two. We used a fast upbeat music, which represents how everything in life changes and goes quite quick, at the end we would fade out the music to hear to dialogue or as the scene changes the music would have to stop as the characters would exchange a few lines of dialogue.

All films must have credits by screen guild (authorise whether the film can be distributed or not), requirements at the beginning and end of films.

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